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Epigenetic's - Biology of Belief

It's long but watch some, from (1:10).

We can see how nutrients effect whether even a mutated gene will express or behave differently under different environmental conditions, and this effects our state.

Bill Lipton explains, taking the example of a mutant rat with diabetes or 'spina bifida’. No longer need we worship at the shrine of genes and DNA which are merely protein blueprints (only 5% of people experience some sort of problem from defective DNA or blueprint) not final determinants of cell behaviour and therefore how we actually turn out! We are not the victim of our genes.

Even more importantly if you listen further, our thoughts - which produce signals (he explains how), effect the shape and activity of each cell in our body which each has its own 'mem-brain’. Epigenetics.

Statistics show that the placebo effect (believing that a drug will make you better even when its a sugar pill) is responsible for 33% of recovery (including surgery). Clinical trials show Prozac to be less effective than a sugar pill - this is common knowledge even amongst medical professionals. (agreed that the power of placebo should be harnessed more - another conversation).

Unfortunately there is also the nocebo effect, equally effective but with negative outcome from negative suggestion, thinking and conditioning.

He brings out clearly the effects of stress on our ability to either be in growth mode or protective mode (we need to grow even at the age of 100 as old cells need to be constantly replenished). Fight or flight mode (shuts off growth) as opposed to rest and grow.

Interesting to see the baby’s reaction to environmental change inside the womb. (1:44)

When is Modern Medicine as we know it going to catch up and stop being drug sellers for the profit of mammoth corporations? Before deciding to launch a drug the main factor is whether the amount of profit from sales is large enough to cover law suits made by patient damages or deaths, against making a killing (pun intended)

Is humane human health support supposed to be the most profitable business on the planet?

60% of bankruptcies in the US are due to health bills after a personal health crisis like cancer. yes, chemo costs the individual a fortune (I googled a figure of $263.8 Billion in the U.S. for 2010 - imagine what it is today) and a large % of the drug costs used by the patient go into the oncologists pocket. (though not true of general practioners or even most other specialities). And the highest cause of death in the U.S (and in many other countries) is Iatrogenic deaths. Deaths caused by medical intervention be it on-label prescriptions, operations, hospital infections or mistakes - google it for more information. (Here’s one source:

After watching, you’ll know more than the average physician about how our body actually works. (His personal spiritual take near the end shouldn't negate what he is saying about the rest of which he is more than qualified as a scientist and doctor)

Health is much more simple than we are led to believe and ours is very much in our own hands. our responsibility through our choices.

That’s my rant for the day - Have a good one! :)

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