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What is health to you?

Ask 10 people what health means to them and you'll get 10 different answers.


We see health as a state of dynamic balance where no symptom or unease is felt, even when exposed to multiple different stresses


  • Common life stress

  • Mega Stress e.g. Major loss, divorce

  • Chronic stress e.g. mould, bacteria, viruses, food allergies




  • Physical trauma, accidents, injury

  • Chemical stress, pollutants, drugs, pesticides, food toxins

  • Emotional, family tragedy, single parenting


The human body is perfectly designed to constantly strive towards a state of health and balance, given what it needs.


Mind, Body and Soul
in harmony

and ease

Where are you on the spectrum?

From the diagram you will realise that being constantly fatigued or in some kind of persistent discomfort or pain is a state we don't want to accept as normal or inevitable. It's an indicator that we are somewhere in the disease process. 


A healthy organisim has energy and remains symptom free, even when under certain physical or emotional stresses.


Of course there's no magic bullet but it's an exciting journey to get back in touch with our body and inner self, and know what our needs are and what is bringing us in a state of dis-ease.


The body that serves us daily as we rush madly about our business, making unreasonable demands on it without paying any attention to it as it groans and fatigues under the strain. 


Life looks so different when our body (physical, mental, emotional, and spirtual) is healthy. Let's not waste another day!


"The main obstacle most Americans face (I would add the whole world) in implementing dietary changes, is their addiction to the idea of a “quick fix”:

Americans are infatuated with pills, thanks to decades of conditioning from the pharmaceutical industry. It doesn’t matter whether they come from the pharmacy or the health food store, we have a cultural fixation with finding that magic bullet. It’s no wonder - making genuine, lasting changes to your health takes hard work and discipline, the two last things you’ll see advertised on commercials during your favorite television show"

Dr. Kharrazian

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