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Awakening the Genius Within

Roland Thomas BSc, Nd. - taken from the book "Awakening the Genius Within"


In 1999 when I met Michael Kiriac, he told me that consuming BAC was a vastly different concept then that of supplementation. He said that BAC was a “Complement” rather than a “Supplement”. He explained that BAC complements the whole rather than supplements a symptom. That got my attention as in those days, as part of my personal health regimen, I was taking more than 20 different supplements daily. 


He told me “BAC Awakens the Genius Within”. He explained that BAC, due to its completeness, balance, synergies, and bioavailability, is an “extremely” efficient food and that its thousands of nutrients easily reach and nourish the cells of certain areas of the brain that are more 

difficult to reach than others. By “Genius” he referred specifically to the region of the brain that houses the mission critical “governing” organs of our metabolic health; namely the thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal glands, and somewhat the cerebellum. 

Ultimately these organs and glands are responsible for regulating all physiological metabolisms, including energy. These metabolisms include the endocrine system, the sympathetic and Para-sympathetic nervous system, the central nervous system, the lymphatic system, the cardiovascular system, and the digestive system with its critical assimilation, absorption, and elimination functions. In this book I do not write “scientifically” with long winded descriptions of metabolisms or body parts and hundreds of references intended to prove each mechanism of action. As far as I am concerned, the holistic concepts and views of health expressed in this book are scientifically valid and proven by the results obtained with millions of animals as described previously. In line with keeping this book readable, I will refer to this “governing” region of the brain as the “Genius”. 


The Hypothalamus is generally located in the middle and base of the brain. The main function of the Hypothalamus is homeostasis, endocrine and energetic coherence, and maintaining the body’s status quo. Factors such as energy, blood pressure, body temperature, fluid and electrolyte balance, fat metabolism, and body weight are held to a precise value called the set-points. The Genius and its allies – “the endocrine glands” – are so important that they are called “the guardians of health”. In essence, all metabolic functions report back to and are governed by the Genius. 




















Problems with the 'Genius'

The Hypothalamus, like any other part of the body, is comprised of billions of cells, each having a task of its own survival and a specific role. Logically, when the cells that makeup the Genius are healthy and doing their work, then the Genius will perform its overseer role adequately. By deduction, it stands that when the cells that make up the Genius are not healthy and not doing their work, then the Genius will not perform its overseer role adequately. 

In order to be healthy and perform their work well, cells need hundreds of nutrients required daily. Only when these nutrients and their energy giving material are sup- plied will the cells grow, repair, defend from attacks, and perform their specialized metabolic functions. 

Because of protective barriers to the brain, the Genius and its billions of cells are more difficult to reach and nourish adequately than the cells in other parts of the body. With aging or disease, the task of nourishing these cells becomes even more difficult and we become less efficient at assimilating nutrients from our foods. This problem is initiated by poor choice of foods, by deficiencies in our diet, and by other intoxicating stressors. Often it is compounded because our foods are depleted of nutrients and/or inassimilable. These problems are sometimes present at birth due to genetics, lifestyle and deficiencies, or they might manifest early during infancy due to poor nutrition. 


Optimum cellular food for optimum cellular nutrition 

Michael Kiriac told me that BAC is an extremely efficient food that results in optimum cellular health. In our various talks, he always brought health to the cellular level. He suggests that
there is only one disease – cellular disease, and one health – cellular health. 

In a “purist” holistic perspective, disease (non-health) can be demystified when you work with the cellular level. Let’s be realistic; disease and their symptoms reside first at the cellular level. Let’s even be scientific; after all, we are made up of hundreds of trillions of intelligent living cells which in turn make up our organs, bones, tissues, blood, and brain. In this model, unhealthy cells lead to unhealthy organs, unhealthy organs lead to deficient metabolic activities, and this in turn leads to symptoms, to which we give a disease name. It is safe to say that once you are diagnosed with a disease that the problem is systemic and its causes have been manifesting in every cell of the body for some time. We don’t catch diseases, we make them over time. In the true scientific view, disease is at the cellular level. Let me describe cellular disease in four points: 


  1. Once symptoms of disease are manifesting (as in hypoglycemia, cholesterol, or high blood pressure), most cells of the body are likely toxic, deficient in nutrients and energy, and are likely less efficient in conducting their myriad of survival activities: repair, detoxification, growth and re-generation, and their specialized contribution as in “insulin” production of certain pancreatic cells. 

  2. At the next level, due to those cellular deficiencies, the organs are now less efficient in conducting their own metabolic function. For example, with hypoglycemia, we say that the pancreas is sluggish in regulating the blood sugar with adequate insulin. 

  3. Realize now, that the Genius which is also made of cells, is itself affected by these same cellular deficiencies and is rendered less efficient at regulating metabolisms, like that of blood sugar, pH (acidity/alkalinity), and even the heart beat. You’ve got a serious problem when the Genius itself is atrophied. 

  4. Aggravating the problem, after years and decades of metabolic inefficiencies (improper pH, blood sugar, temperature, fats, etc.), the Genius and its allies – the endocrine glands – have become tolerant of these improper metabolic values. The Genius has become miss-programmed; it now thinks it is in a “healthy” state of health. As in hypoglycemia, when the Genius has become lazy in regulating those cells of the pancreas responsible for insulin production, we have a chronic condition which we choose to name “diabetes”.


At this degenerative stage rest assured that many other cells operate poorly and other symptoms manifest themselves at the organ and metabolic level; you now have poor Krebs/ATP cycle and cellular exhaustion, mal-assimilation, malabsorption and poor detoxification and elimination, deficient protein synthesis, sluggish osmosis of water (dehydration), deficient oxygenation (hypoxia). There is chronic acidity and resulting acidosis; not only do you have incorrect pH levels, but because of inefficient flushing of cellular debris, you have accumulated acid ashes inside and between the cells. These conditions have led to infestations of bacteria and parasites (fungus, yeast and Candida), to “bad” fats (high cholesterol) and to lack of viscosity. Frequently there is crystallization of fats and other unassimilated debris into plaque and arthritis. Your food / nutrients assimilation and elimination is deficient; you have lost your healing energy, your healing force, and it’s now a vicious cycle. 


How BioSuperfood awakens the genius within 

As per Hippocrates’s advice: “Let thy food be thy medicine”, all good foods have the potential to nourish and heal. For this healing to be a reality, the nutrients in the food we eat must be assimilated and absorbed within the cell wall in a sufficient and required quantity. With wrong food choice, aging, and other metabolic deficiencies, this becomes quite difficult to achieve and cellular disease takes over. Due to its extraordinary nutrients content and their bioavailability, BAC’s nourishment potential is hundreds of times higher than ordinary foods and other sources of nutrients. BAC’s combined nutritional values and high utilization properties deliver the culmination in cellular nutrition. 

Please download a free copy of 
the e-book by clicking on the book

Awakening the Genius within

which describes the story

and science behind this unique

health reforming product.

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